Contact Email for Commissions:

Prices for new commissions typically sent on Monday. (Check your spam folder!)

2,285 translations completed as of March 2025.

Commissions are: OPEN.

How to Commission

What do you translate?

I translate from Japanese to English. Manga, novels, letters, webpages, anime, TV shows,
H content, etc... are all welcome. Please see below for more information.

Contact Information:

It may take several days before I can reply with a price for a new commission. Feel free to send a follow-up email if you're concerned that I didn't get your first email. I usually will post to twitter when I have replied to all new requests or if I will be unable to reply for a period of more than a few days.

Services and Basic Rates:

All rates are in USD.
These translations are for personal use only (meaning you cannot resell them).
I may use completed translations for promotional purposes (unless requested to be kept private).
Commissioner identity will not be released.

How do I commission?

  1. Send an email to
  2. Include the full work to be translated and any special requests.
  3. I will tell you the price for translation. If you accept, your commission is added to my queue.
  4. When I am ready to begin translating you will receive a PayPal invoice for payment.
  5. Once payment is complete, translation will begin.
  6. You will receive the completed translation within a few days (up to a week).

When do I pay?

The full cost of translation must be paid before I will begin translating. Larger works can be broken down into parts and done separately if you would prefer. You will not be billed until I am ready to begin translating your commission.

How do I pay?

I currently only accept PayPal for payments.

How long until my commission is complete?

For translations under $100 the usual turnaround is 2-3 days. Larger translations will take longer, but if possible I will send progress updates as I complete sections or chapters. If you have not received your translation or an update on the progress of the translation after a week, please contact me immediately. Sometimes emails get blocked or lost and I have no way of knowing.

Refund Policy:

If you wish to cancel a translation after payment has been made, please email me immediately. You will still be charged for (and receive) all parts that have been completed, but I will refund the amount for the untranslated portions. After the translation has been completed I cannot give a refund.

If, however, there is a part of the translation that you are unsure about or that you would like changed (such as missed text, confusing phrasing, typos), please email me and I will correct it. I check over my translations before sending them, but small mistakes are always possible. Please try to do this within a month of receiving your translation, as I may remove your files after that time.

Where's my translation???

If 7 days have passed since you paid for your translation and you still have not received your translation or an email explaining a possible delay (don't forget to check your spam folder), please email me immediately. Sometimes download links get flagged as dangerous and the emails will fail to arrive. If this happens I can try an alternative file hosting site.

Can you translate this for free?

I'm sorry, but I really can't afford to do free translations.

Thank you for commissioning!